Pricing for Agent
Pricing forWe communicate with landlords at least once a month.
We provide unrestricted access to direct contacts of landlords in 99% of listings.
The other 1% of pages have contacts of exclusive brokers. Their exclusive status has to be confirmed by the landlord.
You can find more details on who we consider a landlord in our article.
Important notice! m2data does not deal with website parsing (copyring unproven information from the internet). Each contact on the website is verified by our staff and is regularly checked. Obviously mistakes happen but by our estimates 90-95% of contacts are actual.
Find out how much a landlord pays for an acquired customer. The fee is displayed in the search results, on the building page, and on the space page. Besides the actual numbers you get additional useful comments.
Share your experience with the broker community. Rate landlords, leave feedback on their work and terms of remuneration.
Our presentation maker provides a quick and handy way to create and edit presentations:
-edit information
-add personal contacts and contacts of your company
-upload images and floor plans
- leave comments for clients
- set corporate colors
- change presentation layout
- hide irrelevant information
- and much more
All presentations that you have created and edited are automatically saved to your personal profile (section “My presentations”). You can come back to them any time. Any changes that you make are instantly displayed on your client’s screen (if they use online presentations).
Access to spaces that were leased or sold in the building.
Download floor-plans watermark-free images from m2data.
Important notice. Images are provided for personal use only. For example, you can include them in your presentations or send them to a client. According to the User agreement it is prohibited to publish images on public resources.
More than 100 templates of legal documents that will help you in your commercial real estate deals
You can add your contacts to property descriptions for additional pay.
By purchasing the Premium plan you get 100% of its price credited to your balance. You can spend this money on placing new listings.
All features
M2data is free from fake or copied offerings. All listings are uploaded by m2data staff and are approved by landlords.
We communicate with landlords at least once a month.
The most complete and detailed information on each property on the market. We collect and display all available data – up to 200 features. All information stems either from landlords themselves or from reliable sources (in this case it is still approved by landlords).
Find a building by address or name in the "Buildings" section and instantly get actual data on properties currently listed for rent and sale.
Haven’t found a property in our database? Send it to We will publish and update it regularly.
A record number of search filters among real estate projects in the CIS region.
A record number of search filters among real estate projects in the CIS region.
A record number of search filters among real estate projects in the CIS region.
A record number of search filters among real estate projects in the CIS region.
Search results are conveniently presented as summary cards of a building or separate spaces inside it.
Each search can be saved in a personal account and be retrieved later. This feature availible after registration.
We pick properties where you can lease large areas divided into several separate spaces. The summary cards for these properties have a distinct design. The mode is activated when you search properties larger than 3000 sq.m. More details in our article.
Includes search by property address or name and popular searches which can be found at the bottom of the search results page.
Find out how much a landlord pays for an acquired customer. The fee is displayed in the search results, on the building page, and on the space page. Besides the actual numbers you get additional useful comments.
Search properties with the fee you're comfortable with.
Share your experience with the broker community. Rate landlords, leave feedback on their work and terms of remuneration.
Download watermark-free images from m2data.
Important notice. Images are provided for personal use only. For example, you can include them in your presentations or send them to a client. According to the User agreement it is prohibited to publish images on public resources.
Access to spaces that were leased or sold in the building. The Archive also includes the contacts of the landlords.
The data are provided by the Russian State Register. All information is received and updated automatically.
Found a mistake on a page about a building, space, coworking or a market player? We will verify the data with the landlord and renew them as soon as possible.
Each property page contains information on the date of the latest update.
We provide unrestricted access to direct contacts of landlords in 99% of listings.
The other 1% of pages have contacts of exclusive brokers. Their exclusive status has to be confirmed by the landlord.
You can find more details on who we consider a landlord in our article.
Important notice! m2data does not deal with website parsing (copyring unproven information from the internet). Each contact on the website is verified by our staff and is regularly checked. Obviously mistakes happen but by our estimates 90-95% of contacts are actual.
Our presentation maker provides a quick and handy way to create and edit presentations:
-edit information
-add personal contacts and contacts of your company
-upload images and floor plans
- leave comments for clients
- set corporate colors
- change presentation layout
- hide irrelevant information
- and much more
All presentations that you have created and edited can be sent as a link to your clients’, colleagues’ or partners’ messenger or email address.
Our presentations:
are easily displayed on a desktop, tablet and smartphone
are interactive (for example, you can move the map around or change the way commercial terms are displayed)
are automatically updated (if you make changes, they instantly appear on your client’s screen as well)
Important notice!
Presentations are created on a separate domain which is used for presentations only. It ensures that your clients will not have any associations with the m2data project.
We guarantee the confidentiality of all data you’re working with. Neither we, nor anyone else has access to them.
We don’t have a limit on a number of presentations that you can create
We don’t put our watermark on images in your presentations
All presentations that you have created and edited can be downloaded as a PDF-file and be sent to your clients, colleagues or partners. We don’t put a limit on the overall number of created presentations. We don’t put our watermark on photos that you use in your presentations.
All presentations that you have created and edited are automatically saved to your personal profile (section “My presentations”). You can come back to them any time. Any changes that you make are instantly displayed on your client’s screen (if they use online presentations).
Storage is available after registration.
Storage is available after registration.
Storage is available after registration.
Storage is available after registration.
Storage is available after registration.
You can add your contacts to property descriptions for additional pay.
By purchasing the Premium plan you get 100% of its price credited to your balance. You can spend this money on placing new listings.
If you wish to publish an exclusive listing, please send it to
Our employee will contact you to ask additional questions. Publication is free.
If you wish to publish an article, please email us at Publication is free, but we need to check the contents of the article.
On the free plan some companies’ contacts are unavailable.
The most actual ratings on the market!
All ratings are updated automatically once the parameters are changing. It means that they are always relevant: anytime and on any day.
More details on our calculation method.
The most actual ratings on the market!
All ratings are updated automatically once the parameters are changing. It means that they are always relevant: anytime and on any day.
More details on our calculation method.
We write useful articles on the commercial real estate market. They include interviews with market players, opinion articles, listicles with useful Telegram and Youtube channels, legal Q&As, and much more.
Here are the links to useful professional resources.
Our lawyers are happy to help you with any questions related to commercial real estate.
More than 100 templates of legal documents that will help you in your commercial real estate deals
Quick support for our users via chat.
Share your idea. If it gets enough votes, we will try to put it into practice.
You can always see what we are working on right now, what features are coming soon, and what we plan to do in the future.
What's new in m2data? Everything you need to know on a single page.