It's proposed to sell. The architecture of the housing complex was designed by the architects of the Dutch Bureau CIE. The roof of the galleries will be broken by colorful gardens, open terraces with shezlongs, yoga launches and lectures. The Landscape Designers of the WEST8 Bureau were responsible for the concept of upgrading the shore and inner compound. Panorama windows from floor to ceiling and angular glazing maximize species to water, and ceilings from 2.95 m high will visually increase space. The first-floor merchant gallery shares the public space of the shores and private courtyards. This green, cozy area will be set up under a variety of activities for the inhabitants of any age: lounge-zone, garden tables, promenade zone, a children ' s site on a hill with a variety of gambling equipment, a sports thief. Flexible lighting will reinforce the basic idea of garden space and make the courtyard an atmosphere at night.