A trade gallery with tenants is proposed for sale. The gallery is located on 1 and 2 floors (+technical floor). Central entrance to the 1st floor of the trade gallery from the Andropov spectacle. Entrance on the 2nd floor from the Techno Park station or on the 1st floor squad. Direct access to the merchant gallery from the parking on the elevator or the stairs. Office and apartheid staff can go down to the gallery on the elevator right off their floors. Volume height: MOU 1 floor - 5.9 m, 1 floor - 3.9 m, MOU 2 floor - 4.9 m, 2 floor - 3.3 m, Fudhall - 5 m. Electrical supply 1 364.3 kW. It's a precision vent. Refrigeration 681.3 kW. Common ventilation is 52 080.5 kW. Technology ventilation - 68,856 kW. Technopark Plaza - a multifunction complex with modern offices, a partner YE’S Technopark for 506 apartments and a trade gallery, a combined wing-ground transition with a subway station called Technopark. It was part of a large-scale fud-hall Kitchen Garden, which brought together over 20 gastronomical concepts. The project ' s tenants are also composed of the Moscow Longevity Centre, " Delicious and Point " , Surf Coffee, " Coffee Truth " and others.