Free premises (no restrictions on the choice of type of activity are presented for sale: the premises are equally well suited to the beauty, dry cleaning or cozy café). Positioned in hull 2.4, Section 7. Transfer until 31 May 2025. Volume 3.96 m. Electric power up to 0.2 kW/km By agreement, an increase is possible. Vitrine windows. There's almost no partition in the premises that can't be dismantled. Plans are very functional, so you'll be able to complete the space for your business. It will be convenient for everyone to enter your room, be they the parents of the collaborators or the elderly: no extra piping, staircases and cool pandas. It's easier to unload the goods and bring the equipment when the floor is all the same. On the first floors of the complex, all windows are windows. You and your business will always be very visible from the street.