It is proposed to sell the building area with the office in the Light Industrial A building. It may be possible to choose any area between 580 m2 and the whole building, different configurations are discussed under request, split by step. MILITARY ASSISTANCE. Office area 153 m2. Two-way offices. Isolated entrance into each block Open plan, ready to sever. Sprinkler fire extinguishing system. The cover material between the offices: three-layer panels.
Salary area: . Step Column 12x18. Working height 8m. An anti-pine coating. Two types of loading in one unit. In each block, loading docks are 1.2 m from land, docks and dockers and/or land gates.
Possibility of contracting facilities. Security and access control. 7-year lease. After the lease, the priority for the purchase of premises remains. Technical exploitation from CC. Security and access control. Cleaning territory from UK.